Letter to Birth Parents

Hello Friends,

I think the main thing that we would like to emphasize to you as you have such a big decision to make is that we will, if chosen, care for the child to the very best of our ability.  We would rely on the guidance and direction of our Heavenly Father and make sure that we are in line with His plan.  We are so eager to start a family and hope that we can answer any questions you may have. Not being able to have children on our own has really emphasized for us how special it is to have kids and given us a lot of time to prepare and be ready for this next phase.

Andrew and I met at Utah State University while going to school, he actually stole my number from his roommate (whom I had kinda dated) and then called me.  I remember being surprised and pleased that he called and was very interested to see where it went.  I also thought it was pretty bold to call me without ever even asking for my number, but I was flattered and it worked to his advantage and I was hooked. One of my favorite parts of our pre-dating story was when he walked in one night (while I was there with his roommate) and I teased him about getting a new gun.  I asked him why he needed another gun his response was that he needed to get as many as he could before he got married and his wife said he couldn't.  Ha ha, I had no idea at that point that the wife would be me and I completely agreed with him that it was good that he was getting them now.

We were married a short 6 months later and bought a little house in the country.  Consequently we have started a little farm of our own with dogs and a few horses and chickens and a few other animals that come and go.  We are really enjoying our new lives together and the community where we live.  It will be a great place to raise our family with close family, great friends, and a simple country lifestyle. We also live only a few minutes from the city, so there isn't too much isolation.  I'm a social girl ;D.  One other random fact for you.  We are in love with Seinfeld, Andrew even had a rooster he name little Jerry.

I have decided to go back to school for a second time to get an Elementary Education degree.  I have had so many teachers that have made a difference in my life that I wanted to do the same for other children.  I also figured that, if I had to work, at least teaching provided a great schedule to raise a family and spend time with my children.  I do plan to be at home with my kids as much as possible and feel that staying at home is the best thing I can do for my kids.  Andrew also has a career that allows him to work from home and can play a big role in their lives.

A note from Andrew:  Some of my most cherished moments as a child were spending time with my dad.  We spent lots of time together working, playing sports and even more time outdoors.  He would take us camping, hunting and fishing most weekends.  We also spent time doing service and working on projects around the house.  My most important aspiration is being a father.  I am so excited to spend time with my kids playing, working and teaching them the skills they will need to be great neighbors, employees and parents.  The same things my father taught me.  DeAnna and I are the perfect couple.  We have been married now for 5 years but still act like newlyweds.  I can’t wait to see her as a mother.  Those will be some extremely lucky kids.  We cant wait to bring a child into our home.

Andrew is the cutest tough guy I have ever met.  He is macho and manly, but I get to see him when he is gitty in love and even cheesy.  (Don't tell him I blew his cover).

Most Sincerely,

DeAnna and Andrew

Summer fun

This was Mel nonchalantly standing by Jeff so I could get a picture. Jeff is not one to pose :D
These cutie kids make the reunions so much fun.

Andrew and I taking a break on our horseback trip up the canyon.
Bob playing with Charlie and displaying the complete mess he created. They enjoyed giving him a bath after.
You can't tell but I'm on my horse with a new saddle I got for my birthday!
Mom and her siblings. Love my Aunts and Uncles...look how happy they are :D
Cousins and Auntie Ellen.
Me and little sister Lu.
Awe little Kaders smiled just right for me.
B stole the camera and left me with a series of happy shots from her.
Kenny and his so so cute family, I love this pic. Included is baby Josh. So adorable.